Art in Public Space

“Mann im November”

Waldemar Otto

Bronze sculpture

Year of Origin: 1974

Material: bronze sculpture

Waldemar Otto

“Mann im November”

The artwork “Mann im November” is slightly smaller than a real person. The bronze sculpture shows a standing man. He appears inconspicuous. His posture is rather reserved. He has his hands buried in his pockets and looks almost a little sad. The title of the work contains the word “in November”. This gives the viewer the impression that he is freezing.
The sculptor Waldemar Otto (1929–2020) places people at the centre of his work: young, old, bent, injured, beautiful, strange, deformed.
The sculpture has been in its current location since 2002. It was brought into the public space as part of an exhibition entitled “Freiplastiken in Osnabrück”. Bernd Altenstein’s “Eingeschlossene” was also part of this project.


You can write to us here if you have noticed any damage to the work or if you know more about it.